Sunday, June 21, 2015

How to Make a Killing, Part Two

The mystery of Michael Eliot's fatal flight is solved and, it could be argued, that he came to a sticky end.

The Junior Gazette team puts together a sting operation targeting the kind of creepy, greasy shopkeepers* who illegally sell solvent-based products to under-18s and we learn that Colin is responsible for a number of cases of severe child endangerment, the little scamp.

Kenny gets dynamic, Spike gets the sack, Frazz gets zits, Sarah gets street cred and Peter Smarket gets completely screwed in...


* (thanks to Brandon Jones)

Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Make a Killing, Part One

Let's get serious, Jermaine Jackson once said, and so shall it be done.

The crew wonders what, literally, the point is to a mysterious chalk outline outside a tall block of flats that's refreshed monthly by an unknown schoolgirl. Kenny tries to turn on his smoothness and get the undercover scoop.

Meanwhile, back at the newsroom, Billy reveals the sheer number of off-colour jokes he's collated as a coping mechanism for his disability, a mid-card news team member gets some lines for a change, Jeff wears an excellent pink T-shirt and Colin sits quietly in the background as they ponder...


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Podcast: Interface

Let's... Do... THIS!!??!?

It's time for at least a slightly special episode of Press Gang wherein a mysterious computer almost forces its way into the Junior Gazette office and gets involved in some Jumpin' Jack Flash shenanigans (albeit with television reviews rather than international espionage).

In other news, we learn that Spike keeps his dirty underwear in a bag, that he may tacitly support slavery and kidnap victims for Jigsaw in his spare time. What a guy.

Meanwhile in the real world, Alirio has run more distance than is strictly sensible in one sitting and Chris can deliver the Fairy Liquid jingle with, admittedly, a couple of words wrong but - astonishingly - at perfect pitch.

So, get out your modems and embark with us on this exciting cyber adventure. Boot up, log on and INTERFACE.